Friday, April 2, 2010

Jagar by Yamaji Malkar sir

Hey guys, Yamaji Malkar sir, former editor of Sakal, is writing on his own blog. He deals with many social issues and give us a much needed insight to see at the problems. Do follow his blog.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. haha!! Phony (pun intended) thing on Yamaji Malkar's blog. Man who couldn't care less about his "phonytics" (again, intended) while speaking and Sakaal messed with some gramatical mistakes even when he was editor. So it's like we telling 10th or 12th or even younger student that it's so easy as we have passed. I actually despise this. But hope that someone who has not paid much attention to language as it should be, will atleast be agile from now on and then, like a thinker, can talk about how language is getting deteriorated.

  3. Yep. Hypocrisy Rules! Ban Ishqiya and LSD instead! :P

  4. Guys, Don't jump to conclusions and avoid personal comments. As far mistakes in Sakaal, he is not personally responsible. He had written on the status of Marathi, with special ref. to the project Marathi Editor. It is an effort to save and give boost to Marathi. There may be differences in opinion. But they have right to have a viewpoint.
    See other posts on this blog- Jagar. They reflects a kind of social perspective- that I think is much needed in today's world.
